The Rice Diversity Project is a collaborative effort to explore the genetic basis of variation in rice and its wild ancestors. The project evaluates genotypes and phenotypes in a diverse set of rice accessions and uses association mapping to link genotype and phenotype. Our genotyping platforms are based on hundreds of thousands of SNP markers. Our phenotyping efforts use controlled vocabularies to systematically describe a broad array of plant characteristics.

News & Events
  • The The 2017 Rice: Research to Production course is scheduled for August 14 - September 1, 2017 please check out the link for more details. Inquiries can be directed to Jan Leach (Jan.Leach@ColoState.EDU). + More
    • Germplasm
    • 节点加速器
    • Data Sets

    • Education & Outreach
    • 全球加速节点
    • Publications

    National Science Foundation

    This project is funded by the National Science Foundation.

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